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♥ I N F O R M A T I O N as if the title of this board isn't self-explanatory... haha. this is the place where the rules and information you will need having to do with being a member on the site is located. so make sure that before you join you look around this area and read everything. it's really not a lot to read so we ask that you just please allow five minutes to read. |
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♥ P L O T by ♥ B R O O K E Sept 22, 2010 12:55:36 GMT -5 |
♥ S U G G E S T I O N S - 1 Viewing this area is for suggestions that people may have that would let us know exactly how to make this place better. it's guest friendly so guests feel free to come and leave us with your opinion as well! we will try and hear every opinion and consider them professionally. |
0 | 0 | No posts have been made on this board. | |
♥ A N N O U N C E M E N T S all of the announcements will be posted here. be sure to keep an eye on this board because all of the activity checks will be posted here as well as some of the random site-wide events that we decide to host. it'd be worth your attention. |
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ACTIVITY CHECK by ♥ B R O O K E Nov 22, 2010 15:23:11 GMT -5 |
♥ A P P L I C A T I O N the site application is located here. it's not long and it's pretty simple so it shouldn't take too long. you have ONE WEEK to finish any unfinished app before it's deleted. please post your app in the pending board. Sub-board: ♥ P E N D I N G |
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KAAMIL, ibraheem babala WIP by soundsuplifting Dec 11, 2010 3:51:58 GMT -5 |
♥ F I L E S & C L A I M S accepted characters are here as well as the claims. only registered members will be able to view the accepted apps for security reasons. also, please make sure you do the claims. there's only one that you have to post in so we strongly suggest that you do. Sub-boards: ♥ H A R L E Q U I N G I R L S, ♥ T E S T O S T E R O N E B O Y S |
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♥ C L A I M S by GAVIN RILEY LOCKEHART Dec 5, 2010 15:38:03 GMT -5 |
♥ G R A V E Y A R D All old threads and bios are moved here. |
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♥ P L O T T I N G - 1 Viewing all of the plotting boards are right here. there's a board for just about every type of plotting, just make sure that you post your stuff in the right boards. there's a place for requests, relationship pages, and other things. make sure to take a look and don't be afraid to plot with another person! Sub-boards: ♥ R E Q U E S T S, ♥ R E L A T I O N S H I P S, ♥ P A G E S |
27 | 101 |
♥ T H R E A D T R A C K E R S - 1 Viewing this is for those of you that may need a thread tracker. there's also a board here for advertising open threads. so if you have an open thread you'd like people to know about it, then post a thread for it there. Sub-board: ♥ O P E N T H R E A D S |
0 | 0 | No posts have been made on this board. | |
♥ S O C I A L B O A R D S - 2 Viewing things like journals, blogs, and even the social-fail blogs are kept here. this is for characters to get their feelings out beyond just a random thread on the boards. so get your chars out there and blast someone! it can actually be pretty fun! Sub-boards: ♥ J O U R N A L S, ♥ B L O G S, ♥ S L A M B O O K, ♥ L H G O S S I P |
0 | 0 | No posts have been made on this board. | |
♥ E L E C T R O N I C S - 1 Viewing the instant messaging and cellphone plots can go here! it's all good to keep in touch with your friends or even harass your enemies! so be sure that you find a way to get involved with the communication efforts here! Sub-boards: ♥ C E L L P H O N E S, ♥ M E S S E N G E R |
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3am & awake - OPEN - by FINN LOGAN RYKER Nov 28, 2010 20:37:09 GMT -5 |
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♥ S T A F F the staff dorms are more like apartments. they contain one bedroom, a kitchen area, a bathroom, and more closet space than the student dorms. they're not the best, but they're not the worst either. the staff HAVE to live on campus. |
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♥ M A L E S - 1 Viewing the male dorms are located directly next to the female dorms on campus. the building is several stories tall and has a lack of elevators. the building is slightly aged, but it's pretty nice on the inside of it. the doors are locked after 11 so find a window you kids that like to creep out at night. |
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decomposing beneath my clothes by XAVIER DONOVAN CRANE Nov 25, 2010 1:05:36 GMT -5 |
♥ F E M A L E S - 1 Viewing the female dorms are directly next to the male dorms and are a little newer to the campus. the exterior is nicer and so is the interior. it is also several stories high. the doors will be looked at 11 every single night. so if you're gonna sneak out, then find a window to climb into. |
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♥ G R O U N D S - 2 Viewing the grounds for Lincoln high school is much like any other high school. on the grounds there is a student center, the front steps, and a place the students like to call the kissing field. it's a pretty large, well-kept grounds and a lot of the students seem to spend time around the grounds. Sub-boards: ♥ F R O N T S T E P S, ♥ K I S S I N G F I E L D, ♥ S T U D E N T C E N T E R |
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There's Glitter on the Floor;; Brandon by JAMIE ELIZABETH MANLOW Dec 5, 2010 0:18:05 GMT -5 |
♥ M A I N B U I L D I N G - 3 Viewing the main building is by far the largest out of all of the buildings. it consists of the school cafeteria, the library, and many classrooms throughout it. it's very well kept, just don't look under the desks. you never know what you will find under there. Sub-boards: ♥ L I B R A R Y, ♥ C A F E T E R I A, ♥ C L A S S R O O M S |
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- - - HELP ME SHINE by XAVIER DONOVAN CRANE Dec 4, 2010 3:51:53 GMT -5 |
♥ A R T S B U I L D I N G - 2 Viewing the arts building is probably the smallest building on campus aside from the student center. there's just enough to have an art room and a music room as well as a practice room. the arts building over the years has been littered with graffiti. Sub-boards: ♥ P R A C T I C E R O O M S, ♥ M U S I C R O O M, ♥ A R T R O O M |
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Needing release - OPEN - by XAVIER DONOVAN CRANE Dec 12, 2010 22:11:27 GMT -5 |
♥ G Y M N A S I U M - 1 Viewing the gymnasium is not really huge, but it's big enough to serve its purpose. the locker rooms are pretty nice with plenty of showers. there's a basketball court inside, which can be turned into a volleyball court, a track, and a soccer field. though hte huge attraction is the swimming pool. Sub-board: ♥ S W I M M I N G P O O L |
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STRANGE&UNPROTECTED [open] by IAN SETH ACKART Nov 24, 2010 12:32:21 GMT -5 |
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♥ C L U B S oh come on there's a clubber deep down in all of us. for those in search of a good time or just a wild night out this is the place to be. there are a couple of different clubs around this area and they're all fabulous about letting students get away with fake IDs. don't be afraid to experience the chicago nightlife! |
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Finding home again - Jake - by EMMA LILLIAN MOREAU Nov 28, 2010 22:54:06 GMT -5 |
♥ E N T E R T A I N M E N T this is where most of the just for fun stuff is located. there's a skating rink and a movie theater in this are pretty popular. want to take that special someone out? this is the area to take them to for sure. pretty much anything that you can think of for entertainment is located in this area of chicago. |
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♥ R E S T A U R A N T S - 1 Viewing this is the area in which most of the restaurants in chicago are located, at least the ones worth caring anything about. there's a mix of fast food and sit down places so it's pretty evenly distributed. anything you could possibly think of... seriously... is in this area. |
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♥ P A R K & R E C R E A T I O N this is where the more scenic part of chicago is. there is a really nice park as well as a lake that is good to visit. it's a good place to be if you just want to chill out at night and have a good time. there's really no strings attached to the parks area. |
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A little time - Gavin - by ASHTON COLE JOHNSON-WALKER Dec 6, 2010 19:49:02 GMT -5 |
♥ S H O P P I N G everyone likes to go to the mall, right? this is the place to get all of your shopping needs met. the mall of chicago has just about every brand name store that you can imagine. so take a day off, relax, and enjoy yourself in the mall. |
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♥ O T H E R - 1 Viewing any other place in the world that isn't already on a board here, then this is the place to put it. just make sure to mention where you are. it can be another location in the states or another country or anywhere really. there's no limit as to where your character can go. |
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Make It Rain;; Aiden by JAMIE ELIZABETH MANLOW Dec 6, 2010 19:49:41 GMT -5 |
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♥ C H I T C H A T you can talk about just about anything here. we ask that you don't post anything like, yeah, against proboards TOS. just remember that by default this place is at a pg-13 rating and we have to keep our content to that standard. |
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♥ G A M E S - 1 Viewing this is for those of you that enjoy those little games that keep us entertained when there's no posting to do. this is a good way to interact with the other members of the site and get to know each other. |
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PAPARAZZI [IC] by LINDSEY MARIE ALISTER Oct 7, 2010 11:28:21 GMT -5 |
♥ A B S E N C E S - 1 Viewing let us know if you are going to be going away for quite a while or if you're leaving the site permanently, make sure you post here or you will be deleted if we happen to have an activity check. we've been burned by that before so there are no exceptions. |
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♥ G R A P H I C S come to this area if you have amazing graphics skills you'd like to showcase or if you need someone to make you something. i'm sure someone would be more than willing to lend a helping hand. don't be afraid to reach out if you need something. |
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♥ A D V E R T I S E & A F F I L I A T E - 1 Viewing 01. proboards & invisionfree only Sub-boards: ♥ F I R S T, ♥ L I N K B A C K S |
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``NEVER BACK DOWN: Town/High School with a twist by erikaaaaaa Dec 15, 2010 15:36:00 GMT -5 |
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